Two-time Youth National Champion 18-year-old Jaafar Ismaiel won his second Syrian Test Sparring Event in Damascus

The Syrian Arab Boxing Association hosted its next National Test Sparring Event in Damascus where 39 of their best elite and youth boxers attended in the top competition. Syria’s experienced trio as Hussin Al-Masri, Alaaldin Ghossoun and Mohamed Moulayes all won their weight classes but two-time Youth National Champion 18-year-old Jaafar Ismaiel defeated his rivals also once again.
Syria arranged a Test Sparring Event after the quarantine rules in the country on July which supported the preparation of their boxers and the second edition of this competition series was held at the weekend. The competition venue of the Syrian National Test Sparring Event took place in the Boxing Hall of the Alfeayhaa Sport Complex in their capital city.
Among Syria’s best male boxers such as ASBC Asian Boxing Championships bronze medallist Ahmad Ghossoun was the lone one who could not attend in the event due to his injury. The President of the Syrian Arab Boxing Association Mr. Mohamed Kamel Shbib followed all of the bouts of the national event together with the coaches. The Syrian Boxing Association prepared well to the event and followed all safety instructions, social distancing, mask wearing and hygienic rules during the event.
Salman Mohamed of Tartous claimed silver medal in the 2019 Syrian Youth National Championships which he changed into gold in their Test Sparring Event where he won the light flyweight (49kg) over Mohamed Omar. Army’s Islamic Solidarity Games winner Hussin Al-Masri dominated the flyweight (52kg) and defeated 17-year-old Hamed Obeid in the Test Sparring Event.
Another boxer from Tartous, Ali Mohamed impressed at the bantamweight (56kg) and won the title of the category after beating Aleppo’s Yehya Abou Zead. ASBC Asian Youth Boxing Championships competitor Ammar Merie has got experiences from Arab Championships as well therefore his success over Youth National Champion Haydar Al-Assali was not a surprise in Damascus.
Army’s multiple National Champion Mohammad Kheir Mousatat was the most experienced boxer at the light welterweight (64kg) but he had a competitive rival in the final, Amar Heidar pf Latakia. Following Mousatat’s narrow success, two-time Youth National Champion 18-year-old Jaafar Ismaiel won his next national event after beating Yaman Khanati in the final of the welterweight (69kg).
Syrian Youth National Championships silver medallist 19-year-old Yousef Al-Majri of Aleppo competed at the middleweight (75kg) this year and won his second test event after beating Fakhim Sletien in the battle of the teenagers. Army’s experienced National Champion Yahya Taha had a fantastic final at the light heavyweight (81kg) against 17-year-old Farooq Jenidi who won the last event in Damascus. Taha was tactically better than his super talented rival who is the defending Syrian Youth National Champion.
ASBC Asian Boxing Championships bronze medallist Alaaldin Ghossoun had to miss the last national event in July but returned to the throne of the heavyweight (91kg). Two-time ASBC Asian Boxing Championships bronze medallist Mohamed Moulayes defeated Youth National Champion Kenan Ali Mourie in the final of the super heavyweight (+91kg) proving his strong attacking style.
List of the winners in the Syrian National Test Sparring Event 49kg: Salman Mohamed
52kg: Hussin Al-Masri
56kg: Ali Mohamed
60kg: Ammar Merie
64kg: Mohamed Kheir Mousatat
69kg: Jaafar Ismaiel
75kg: Yousef Al-Majri
81kg: Yahya Taha
91kg: Alaaldin Ghossoun
+91kg: Mohamed Moulayes
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