The next Referees & Judges Webinar the Choosing the Rightful Winner will be held on October 9-10 leading by Mr. Ray Silvas and Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat

The Asian Boxing Confederation’s next online project, the Referees & Judges Webinar will be held on October 9 & 10. The name of the new Referees & Judges Webinar project is Choosing the Rightful Winner which shows the importance of the topic. The perfect Refereeing & Judging is the key factor of the future successes and the fair play in the upcoming ASBC Asian Boxing Championships.
All of the stakeholders, Referees & Judges and Asian boxing family members can register to the new educational project. The Asian continent has got excellent Referees & Judges in all regions who worked several competitions also worldwide. Asian Boxing Confederation believes the strength of the Asian Referees & Judges could be one of the aspects of the future successes but continuous education is also important.
Experiences boxing officials as Mr. Ray Silvas of the United States and Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat of Thailand will be working as panellists in the Referees & Judges Webinar. Mr. Ray Silvas worked as Technical Delegate and Supervisor in several World and Asian events in the previous years. The recent ASBC Referees & Judges Commission Meeting was led by acting Chairman Mr. former Olympian R&J Paiboon Srichaisawat a few weeks ago and he will be joining back to the new Webinar.
The Secretary General of the Boxing Association of Sri Lanka, energetic Mr. Hemantha Weerasinghe is the Moderator of the Webinar who has been appointed as Secretary of the ASBC Referees & Judges Commission which was proposed by the Chairman Mr. Mohamed Kamel Shbib of Syria.
The exact time of the Referees & Judges Choosing the Rightful Winner Webinar is 17:00 at Abu Dhabi time on October 9 and the second session will be held in the same time on October 10. Registration to the Referees & Judges Choosing the Rightful Winner Webinar is mandatory and you can do that short process in the following link:
There are important priorities in the early registrations therefore the management of the Asian Boxing Confederation recommends to all stakeholders and followers to click to the above link as earliest as possible. The earliest registered participants can attend in the important Referees & Judges Choosing the Rightful Winner Webinar.
All of the attendees will be received a certificate which to be sent to the registered email addresses only. The Referees & Judges Choosing the Rightful Winner Webinar is free of charge for all participants and the limited places are reserved only for the Asian attendees.
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