The fruitful ASBC Marketing Commission Meeting was led by Chairman Mr. Abdullah Alantali through Zoom application

The ASBC Marketing Commission Meeting was held also online through Zoom application to discuss the challenges and the most important factors which affects the daily life of the organization. The ASBC Marketing Commission Meeting was part of the discussions and followed the Women, Competition, Youth, and Referee & Judge Commission Meetings.
The online meeting was led by the Chairman of the ASBC Marketing Commission, Mr. Abdullah Alantali of the United Arab Emirates. The ASBC Youth Commission Meeting was opened by ASBC Sports Director Mr. Omar Aljabri and ASBC Administrative Director Mr. Bassam Ghanem who welcomed all members and participants.
Among the 8 members of the ASBC Marketing Commission 5 attended in the online and virtual discussions. Next to the Chairman Mr. Abdullah Alantali of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Abdullah Alharbi of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Ali Kazerooni of Bahrain, Mr. Najed Hamedallah of Jordan and Mr. Digvijay Singh of India attended in the meeting.
The Chairman of the ASBC Marketing Commission Mr. Abdullah Alantali also welcomed all of the members and underlined the key strategy to develop a marketing plan for ASBC. That future strategy will promote all aspects of boxing in Asia, creating creative marketing plans that can support boxers to reach their goals.
The Chairman of the ASBC Marketing Commission Mr. Abdullah Alantali asked the members to send him their CVs to propose names for the positions of Vice-Chairman and Commission Secretary. All of the Asian Boxing Confederation’s Commissions have got the same positions to support the work of the Chairmen and Chairwoman.
The delayed ASBC Asian Boxing Championships will be held in 2021, first the ASBC Asian Elite Boxing Championships in January, secondly the ASBC Asian Youth Boxing Championships. The first ASBC Asian Schoolboys Championships was held in 2019 but schoolgirls can join also to the second edition in 2021. The ASBC Asian Grand Slam Boxing Championships can finalize the busy year of 2021.
The members of the ASBC Marketing Commission introduced the situation of the trainings and the preparations of their national team during the discussions one by one. All of the national level boxers are working hard through Asia and prepare to their next national and international objectives. The Chairman of the ASBC Marketing Commission Mr. Abdullah Alantali asked the members to send their creative ideas and proposals in order to arrange the future marketing plans and strategies. ASBC Sports Director Mr. Omar Aljabri informed the members to use the ASBC resources to achieve their goals.
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