The Boxing Family remembers Mr. Ed Picson on his birthday

The whole boxing world and the Asian Boxing Family remembers Mr. Edgar “Ed” Picson of the Philippines on his birthday who would be 70 today. Mr. Ed Picson passed away this April following a serious illness but the boxing world will never forget his passion for our beloved combat sport.

After his national activities as Secretary General and media member, he joined the ASBC Competition Commission in the beginning of the 2010s. He played active roles to take big events such as the Subic Bay 2013 ASBC Asian Youth Boxing Championships and the Puerto Princesa 2017 ASBC Asian Junior Boxing Championships.

Following the successful Filipino medal haunt at the Tokyo Olympic Games, he was elected as the President of the Association of the Boxing Alliances of the Philippines on November 2021. Mr. Ed Picson worked as the ASBC Communication Director & Spokesperson from April 2022 until this last breath. 

The President of the Asian Boxing Confederation Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira, the ASBC management, the Asian Boxing Family and the whole world remembers the boxing official on his birthday.

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