Tajikistan hails new schoolboys winners

Nineteen promising young boxers came through with impeccable performances to emerge victorious in the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships 2022 held in the Sughd Province capital city of Khujand.

The new 13 and 14-year-old champions earned a chance to represent their country in the ASBC Asian Schoolboys & Schoolgirls Boxing Championships scheduled on November 27 to December 4 in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq.

A total of 119 young male aspirants competed across 19 weight categories starting from 34kg up to +80kg in the national championships.

Sughd Region topped the medal standings with eight gold medals followed by the national capital city of Dushanbe which took five golds.

Khatlon Region finished third after copping four golds while Bokhtar wound up fourth with two titles.

List of winners in the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships 2022
34kg: Azamjon Khasanov
36kg: Mukhammadsaid Marofiyev
38kg: Sharifkhon Nuraliyev
40kg: Jakhongir Kamolov
42kg: Amir Makhramov
44kg: Suraj Noyobshoyev
46kg: Akmadsho Khoshimov
48kg: Manuchekhr Isoyev
50kg: Ardasher Davlatov
52kg: Dovud Kodirkulov
54kg: Gayratsho Olimov
56kg: Abubakr Berdikulov
58kg: Shakzhod Jumayev
60kg: Saidali Nazarov
63kg: Khudjamumin Kholov
66kg: Shokhrukh Shokirov
70kg: Sukhayli Shomurodi
75kg: Alisher Dodoboyev
+80kg: Mukhammad Bokiyev

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