National Basic Coach Course was hosted by the Cambodian Boxing Federation with the participation of 36 trainers

The Cambodian Boxing Federation arranged a Coach Course to develop their talented and the new generation of trainers in the recent days. Altogether 36 coaches attended in the National Basic Coach Course in Phnom Penh which program contained theoretical parts but focused to the practical issues and solutions.
There were three different programs in the National Basic Coach Course to introduce more parts of boxing to the participants. The Secretary General of the Cambodian Boxing Federation Mr. Sophoan Buy arranged all necessary preparations, organizations and documents before and during the National Basic Coach Course.
The President of the Cambodian Boxing Federation Mr. Chhoeung Yav Yen presented the Code of Ethics for coaches and athletes as first part of the Course. The second lesson hold about the Sport Nutrition and healthy lifestyle which was introduced by the Vice-President of the Cambodian Boxing Federation. The third part contained basic coaching in practice and presented by an English coach in Phnom Penh.
The Cambodian national boxing team returned to their training camp to Phnom Penh a few weeks ago and began the preparations for the planned upcoming international events. Sixteen female and male boxers including some youth talents have been preparing in the national training camp with the support of four local and foreign coaches.
The Cambodian boxers have got long term strategic goals the 2023 Southeast Asian Games which will be held in the country in Phnom Penh at the very first time. The management of the Cambodian Boxing Federation developed a long term strategy still back in 2016 to develop boxing and make it more popular in the country before the start of the SEA Games. The last international participation of the Cambodian boxers was the 2019 Southeast Asian Games which was held in the Philippines. The management of the Cambodian Boxing Federation is planning to host the next national event in the end of the year in 2020 around November or in December.
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