Mr. Waheedullah Hameedi – I am satisfied with the Afghan team’s performance and our two medals in Kuwait City

Out of the five Afghan boxers two advanced to the semi-finals of the ASBC Asian Schoolboys Boxing Championships which guarantees for them at least bronze medals in Kuwait City. The General Secretary of the Afghanistan Boxing Federation Mr. Waheedullah Hameedi followed the bouts in the venue from the first competition day and replied our questions and shared us his opinions in an interview.
“That was a great feeling when we had a great performance from the first competition day up to the quarter-finals in this wonderful ASBC Asian Schoolboys Boxing Championships. We were sure about it after the official draw that two of our best boxers will be able to manage their road to the semi-finals making our country proud.
We arrived with five boxers to Kuwait City and two of them are guaranteed medallists in this historical event. I am satisfied with the team’s performance and the event was going well as per our expectations. These boxers are so young but have a great future in our sport and we are really appreciating them their efforts. We are working on it to increase their experiences and keep the focus on their future developments.
The level of the ASBC Asian Schoolboys Boxing Championships is high, I saw many strong talents here during the first three competition days. We have 150 boxers here in Kuwait City which guaranteed the quality in the event. I congratulate also to the other countries’ efforts to bring such great boxers to this competition. I hope this new generation of boxers will be our future champions,“
said Mr. Waheedullah Hameedi after the quarter-finals about the event and his Afghan team.

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