Mr. Mohamed Kamel Shbib – We are lucky because our President Mr. Serik Konakbayev was a big hero in boxing
The former President of the Syrian Boxing Federation Mr. Mohamed Kamel Shbib is the main engine in the boxing in Saudi Arabia who has been trying to develop our sport in the country. Currently he is the Performance Director of Saudi Arabian Boxing Federation, works as a Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor in the big international events.
Mr. Mohamed Kamel Shbib has been working and contributing the international boxing world since 1964 therefore he is one of the most experienced official in the entire globe. Mr. Shbib shared us his thoughts about Asia’s boxing life, the ASBC activities and many other key points of the future developments.
“In my opinion the Asian Boxing Confederation has done very good and complete programs of activities in 2017. ASBC had very good control for all events because that we did not face any problem in the ASBC Asian Confederation Boxing Championships which were held in 2017.
We had elite women, elite men, youth and junior continental events and several R&J Seminars & Exams to increase the level of our judges. A lot of our referees and judges were able to raise their stars up to AIBA 2-stars or AIBA 3-stars. Same happened also in the coaching area in Asia.
I have been involved to boxing in 1964, firstly as a boxer and after that as a coach, later AIBA R/J and nowadays I am working as ITO and AIBA Supervisor. I could realize in the recent years that all areas of boxing improved in the Asian continent. Not only the boxers’ level but the ASBC Staff also developed well together with the ASBC Commission Meetings and other important activities.
I saw very good results from the Asian women and men boxers in all AIBA events in the recent three years. I believe the Asian boxers will be getting very good results in the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
The affiliated Asian National Boxing Federations are very happy and lucky because our President Mr. Serik Konakbayev was a Big Hero in boxing and I know him since the Moscow 1980 Olympic Games. He was runner-up in the Olympic Games and also in the AIBA World Boxing Championships. He was one of the best boxer in Europe when he represented in the Soviet Union.
Mr. Serik Konakbayev has got great leadership in Boxing in Asia and in the World too.
Following the Rio 2016 Olympic Games we need capable people to work in the boxing field to save our lovely sport.
Finally I think ASBC will arrange a very important Strategical Plan to develop the standard of boxing. Asian Boxing Confederation needs very good relationship with all of the Asian National Federations for 2018 and the help for the poor Federations. ASBC need to be holding many Seminars and Exams for R&Js and Coaches in 2018. Personally I think improving the number of the international boxing tournaments in Zone 5 would be also the way of the future successes,” said Mr. Mohamed Kamel Shbib who received a new position in the Saudi Arabian Boxing Federation in the recent weeks.