The head coach of the Iranian youth national team Mr. Reza Mahdipour invited 20 talents to the training camp to Sanandaj

The Iranian youth national team began its preparation to the upcoming international competitions in Sanandaj city in Kurdistan province on October 10. The team has been preparing to the AIBA Youth World Boxing Championships which is planning to be hosted in Kielce, Poland on April 10-24 next year. The training ... More

The President of the Iranian Boxing Federation Mr. Hossein Souri is grateful for Mr. Mahdi Mahdipour’s career and life-long enthusiasm in our sport

The energetic President of the Iranian Boxing Federation Mr. Hossein Souri launched several projects and long term programs to develop the country’s boxing life including their grassroots strategy. Mr. Hossein Souri handles also the history of Iran’s boxing and he shared us his feelings about Mr. Mahdi Mahdipour ... More

ASBC Heroes – Kazakhstan’s 17-year-old Ruslan Kuzeubayev who won four big events in 2019

Kazakhstan’s Ruslan Kuzeubayev won the light bantamweight (52kg) at the Fujairah 2019 ASBC Asian Junior Boxing Championships in the United Arab Emirates where he won four contests to get the title. Kuzeubayev impressed also in other international junior events and he was our ASBC Hero in 2019. Ruslan Kuzeubayev ... More

Mujibullo Tursunov won the anticipated bout of the finals at the Zolotarev Memorial Tournament

The strong Valentin Zolotarev Memorial Tournament was Uzbekistan’s first event since March which followed all of the hygienic and safety rules. Mujibullo Tursunov won the best fight of the finals and defeated Asadkhudja Muydinkhodjayev for the title of the light welterweight (64kg). Lazizbek Mullojonov was crowned ... More

Mr. Zhang Chuanliang will be the panellist of the ASBC Coaches Webinar on 18th of October

The online webinars of the Asian Boxing Confederation are very popular and the next stage of the project will be held for the coaches. The name of the new ASBC Coaches Webinar project is How does a Coach Determine the Future of Boxing? All of the Asian regions have got experienced coaches who can receive a new ... More

ASBC Heroes – India’s unbeaten ASBC Asian Women’s Youth Champion Poonam is aiming for an Olympic title in the future

India’s Poonam, who spent her first year among the youth boxers, won the bantamweight (54kg) at the Ulaanbaatar 2019 ASBC Asian Youth Boxing Championships which was the third final in Mongolia’s capital. India’s next woman sensation Poonam impressed in several other international events and became our ASBC Hero ... More

The next Referees & Judges Webinar the Choosing the Rightful Winner will be held on October 9-10 leading by Mr. Ray Silvas and Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat

The Asian Boxing Confederation’s next online project, the Referees & Judges Webinar will be held on October 9 & 10. The name of the new Referees & Judges Webinar project is Choosing the Rightful Winner which shows the importance of the topic. The perfect Refereeing & Judging is the key factor of the ... More

Asian Boxing Confederation wishes Happy New Year


Rio 2016 Olympian Arslanbek Achilov wins in the Turkmenistan National Cup in Ashgabat

The Turkmenistan National Cup was held for the elite men boxers in Ashgabat which was the last main event in their boxing calendar in 2016. Five defending National Elite Champions were able to get gold medals in the Turkmenistan National Cup and continued their winning path in the city of Ashgabat. Six of the current ... More

Best of the Asians 2016 – Winners

The Best of the Asians 2016 project are finished and 14 winners have been named in 14 different categories. The voting in the social media was a great success in the recent days, Asian Boxing Confederation received more than 1300 votes during the process which shows the great commitment of the sport. The first Best of ... More