Astana Arlans Kazakhstan won its first WSB match

Temirtas Zhussupov

Astana Arlans Kazakhstan opened Season VI with a great triumph in Karaganda
Titleholder Astana Arlans Kazakhstan opened Season VI with a great triumph against a strong franchise Azerbaijan Baku Fires in the Serik Sapiyev Sports Complex in Karaganda. The final result of their top level encounter was 4-1 to Astana Arlans Kazakhstan in the front of their home crowd in the fully vacant venue.
Two-time WSB Champion Astana Arlans Kazakhstan’s first boxer who was in action on Saturday evening Temirtas Zhussupov proved top performance in Karaganda once again. The 28-year-old Light Flyweight class (49 kg) boxer was ASBC Asian Champion in 2013 and won six contests during his WSB career. Zhussupov was in different level than his rival and secured Astana Arlans Kazakhstan’s first victory on Week 2.
Meirbolat Toitov is member of the Astana Arlans Kazakhstan’s franchise since Season III and he is two-time WSB Champion. The Bantamweight class (56 kg) boxer used up his previous experiences against Iarash Magomedov and controlled their bout. The Azeri boxer, who was born in Dagestan, received two warnings in the contest therefore Toitov’s advantage was a huge one in the final bell.
Yerkin Mukhametzhan replaced Astana Arlans Kazakhstan’s star and Best Asian WSB Boxer of 2015 Vassiliy Levit just before the encounter. The Liventsev Memorial Tournament winner boxer has done his first ever WSB bout and until the end of the third round he could control the contest against Haji Murtazaliyev who was also born in Dagestan. The 21-year-old Heavyweight class (91 kg) boxer was a bit tired in the fourth and fifth rounds but Mukhametzhan’s advantage was enough to keep the triumph.
After three contests Astana Arlans Kazakhstan won the first match in Season VI but the encounter was continued in Karaganda. Askhat Ualikhanov tried to do his very best in the Light Welterweight class (64 kg) contest but he was defeated by Azerbaijan Baku Fires’ London 2012 Olympian Gaybatulla Gadzhialiyev in a hectic bout. Astana Arlans Kazakhstan’s Middleweight class (75 kg) future star Meirim Nursultanov was in different level than Badri Khardzhiani of Georgia and won their contest by large margin of difference. Nursultanov delivered Astana Arlans Kazakhstan’s fourth success in their opening match.

Astana Arlans Kazakhstan vs. Azerbaijan Baku Fires 4-1
49 kg: Temirtas Zhussupov KAZ – Javid Dadashov AZE 3-0
56 kg: Meirbolat Toitov KAZ – Iarash Magomedov AZE 3-0
64 kg: Askhat Ualikhanov KAZ – Gaybatulla Gadzhialiyev AZE 0-3
75 kg: Meirim Nursultanov KAZ – Badri Khardzhiani GEO 3-0
91 kg: Yerkin Mukhametzhan KAZ – Haji Murtazaliyev AZE 2-1