ASBC President Mr. Anas Alotaiba informed all National Federations about the new development programs

The President of the Asian Boxing Confederation and Vice-President of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) Mr. Anas Alotaiba sent an official letter to all of the affiliated Asian National Boxing Federations regarding the next year’s budget, development programs and financial plans.
The ASBC President informed the National Federations that a specific amount of fund has been allocated in the next year’s budget. The additional amount will be supported the developing Asian National Federations in 2021 to continue to reach their goals and continue their progress in several aspects of boxing.
Mr. Anas Alotaiba will be establishing an ad hoc committee to arrange all preparations to follow the development programs. The Asian Boxing Confederation is planning to support the National Federations with special aid in 2021. The following areas could be covered during the program, as teams’ participation, equipment support, educational courses and logistical developments.
ASBC President asked the National Federations to continue their programs to prepare well to the next year’s top events as the Tokyo Olympic Games, the World Olympic Boxing Qualifying Event and all of the upcoming ASBC Asian Boxing Championships.
The Asian Boxing Confederation is planning to host ASBC Asian Boxing Championships for the elite boxers in 2021. Furthermore, it is expected to launch the first ASBC Asian Schoolgirls Boxing Championships together with the schoolboys. The ASBC Asian Youth Boxing Championships and the ASBC Asian Grand Slam Boxing Championships are also among the yearly plans.
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