ASBC President Mr. Anas Alotaiba congratulates to Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat who has been appointed as new member of the AIBA R&J Commission

The President of the Asian Boxing Confederation Mr. Anas Alotaiba and the whole ASBC management congratulates to Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat of Thailand who has been appointed as new member of the AIBA Refereeing & Judging Commission. Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat has got the experiences as Referee & Judge, official and R&J Evaluator from all levels of boxing to support the activities of the Commission.
Besides to Mr. Mohamed Kamel Shbib of Syria, Mr. Lenny D’Gama of India, Mr. Omar Saleh Al-Jaberi of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat of Thailand is the fourth Asian member of the AIBA Refereeing & Judging Commission. The Chairman of this AIBA Commission is Mr. Chris Roberts of Scotland, while the Vice-Chairman is Mrs. Severine Gosselin of France.
Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat worked as Referee & Judge in several big competitions including Olympic Games and Asian Boxing Championships in the past. Following his active R&J career, he has done successfully his ITO exam and worked as Refereeing & Judging Evaluator in major Asian and World events. He worked last time at the ASBC Asian Youth Boxing Championships and at the European Olympic Boxing Qualifying Event. Experienced boxing officials as Mr. Ray Silvas of the United States and Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat of Thailand worked as panellists in the ASBC Referees & Judges Webinar last September. The recent ASBC Referees & Judges Commission Meeting was led by acting Chairman Mr. Paiboon Srichaisawat a few months ago and supported the Asian Boxing Confederation as panellist in the Webinar.
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