ASBC President Mr. Anas Alotaiba and the whole management send their sincere condolences to Mr. Mustafa Bashar Othman’s family

The President of the Asian Boxing Confederation and Vice-President of the International Boxing Association Mr. Anas Alotaiba, furthermore the whole ASBC management are sending their sincere condolences to Mr. Mustafa Bashar Othman’s family following Iraq’s former National President passed away today.
Mr. Mustafa Bashar Othman was the previous President of the Iraqi Boxing Federation before Mr. Ali Takleef and worked hard to increase the number of the boxers in the country. He was member of the previous Executive Committee of the Asian Boxing Confederation in the recent years. Mr. Bashar was also Vice-President of the Iraqi National Olympic Committee and he is a well-known person in his homeland.
His tragedy is also the loss of the Asian Boxing Confederation and the whole Boxing Family worldwide. During his period Iraq claimed medals in the top ASBC events and qualified one boxer also to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Iraq’s boxing life is in developing stage and the country is focusing to qualify at least one experienced boxer to the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
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