ASBC President Mr. Anas Alotaiba and the whole ASBC management are sending their sincere condolences to Mr. Boris Tskhvirashvili’s family

The President of the Asian Boxing Confederation and Vice-President of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) Mr. Anas Alotaiba, furthermore and the whole ASBC management are sending their sincere condolences to Kazakhstan’s Boris Tshkhvirasvili’s family following the former Olympian referee and judge passing away at the age of 85.
Mr. Boris Tshkvirashvili was the Honoured Trainer of the Soviet Union, the Honoured Coach of the Kazakh SSR and the multiple boxing champion of the Azerbaijan SSR. Following his boxing and coaching career, he worked as Referee and Judge in the previous decades.
Mr. Boris Tshkvirashvili was member of AIBA Refereeing & Judging Commission and he worked as R&J in the Moscow 1980 Olympic Games. AIBA’s Boxing Magazine announced him as the World’s Best Referee & Judge in 1993. He worked as R&J in the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games representing the independent Kazakhstan in the boxing event and he was member of the Jury in the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
As a personal tragedy, Mr. Boris Tshkvirashvili lost his son and following that he could not recover from his illness and his heart stopped at the age of 85.
May his soul will rest in eternal peace in Kazakhstan.
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