The ASBC management wishes Happy Eid Al Adha celebrations to the Boxing Family

The President of the Asian Boxing Confederation Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira of Thailand and the whole ASBC management wish Happy Eid Al Adha to all boxing officials, boxers, coaches, referees and judges, stakeholders, media members, affiliated National Federations and to the whole Asian Boxing Family.

Eid Al Adha, which in Arabic literally means “festival of the sacrifice”, commemorates the story of the Muslim Prophet Ibrahim’s test of faith, marks the end of the Hajj pilgrimage. It marks the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail as an act of obedience to Allah’s command. The Eid Al Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice celebrations will start on June 15 and to be held until June 19 this year.

The Asian Boxing Community is a strong and huge family and Mr. Chunhavajira wishes lots of happiness, peace, effective work and prosperity to everyone in Asia. The Asian Boxing Confederation is proud of the hard work of the Asian National Federations following their fantastic results in all levels of boxing.

The first continental event of the year, the ASBC Asian U22 & Youth Boxing Championships was held in Astana, Kazakhstan. The ASBC is planning more activities in the second part of the year after the Paris Olympic Games.

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