Mrs. Terezie Krejbychova – My main surprise was the absolutely top level of junior and youth boxing in Astana

The ASBC Asian Youth & Junior Boxing Championships finished in Astana and one of the officials made her debut in the continent. Mrs. Terezie Krejbychova has never officiated any of the previous ASBC Asian Boxing Championships and she was looking for this opportunity so much in her career. She impressed about the technical and tactical skills of the Asian boxers in comparison to the European boxers with the same age.

The Czech official worked in several World Boxing Championships and European Boxing Championships in the past and as a Referee & Judge Evaluator she has experiences from these top competitions.

“I felt absolutely great in Astana, just because going to Kazakhstan was one of my dreams. The hospitality and the care of the locals were really great in Astana.

This championship was a fascinating and valuable experience for me. It was my very first time at the level of the Asian Championships and I was, in a word, thrilled. A superbly prepared Championship, no hitch anywhere.

My only “hitch” was that I would have appreciated two rings for this amount of boxers. It was really tough for all of us, officials, referees and staff members. There were days when there were about 50 boxers in one ring but in the end even that was manageable. And I also missed the usual rest day in this championship.

I was in Astana as a Referees & Judges Evaluator. That means, my main responsibility was to supervise and evaluate the work of the referees and judges and also to decide on the correctness of the result in case of any “bout review”.

Boxing in Asia amazed me. I absolutely did not expect such a high level. Everyone was very well prepared, even from the smaller boxing countries. I felt like I was at the World Championships. Even in the preliminariy fights, I often thought that it was a better level than a final in a European Championship.

For me the level of the athletes was the biggest surprise. Even at the junior level, they were ready-made boxers for me. Great technique and strategy at the age of 15 or 16.

The R&Js were a great team in Astana. Apart from a few minor problems, the work with the R&J team was great. Even some of the lower grade R&Js (two stars) gave performances worthy of the absolute top three stars.

Which will be my next international event? Whatever God wants and the police allow as the Mexicans says. I have no smart recommendations for the Asian Boxing Confederation for their future events, but of course on the contrary, I will be very happy to return. If there will be that rest day and I will also be able to enjoy the beauty of the country, I would have more a whish as any recommendation: keep doing what you’re doing, you’re doing it well,” commented the championships Mrs. Terezie Krejbychova, the Czech R&J Evaluator.

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