The ITO Course is running during the ASBC Asian U22 Boxing Championships

Besides to the 2-star Referee & Judge Course, another educational programs are holding at the SC Park Hotel during the ASBC Asian U22 Boxing Championships in Bangkok, Thailand. The IBA ITO Course is a fantastic opportunity to all of the participants to increase their status in the boxing world.

The ASBC President Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira stated during his first speech after the elections in Amman, Jordan that he will increase the number of the educational programs. All of the ASBC Asian Boxing Championships attached several educational projects to build up the next generations of officials.

The ITO Course started on January 18 and will be finished on the 22nd in Thailand’s busy capital. The departure date of the participants is January 23 from Bangkok.

Mr. John Waith of Wales is the main Instructor of the IBA ITO Course in Bangkok, who worked in dozens of big championships in the recent years. He leads the theoretical and practical parts of the ITO course in Bangkok. The language of the whole course and the examinations are English in the ITO Course. After the successful examinations, the participants will receive their ITO Certificates and will be able to work in all of the major championships in the future. Several of the participants worked as Referees & Judges in the past and have experiences in other fields of boxing but the position of the International Technical Official is the top level in the management.

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