ASBC President Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira – Statement

The new ASBC President Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira has been elected only a few days ago during the ASBC Asian Youth & Junior Boxing Championships but he is very active. Following the first ASBC Board of Directors Meeting in Amman, he issued his statement and Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira is grateful to all of the officials and the whole Asian Boxing Family which has the unity.

„It is with deep humility that I express my sincerest gratitude to the members of the ASBC for the trust they gave me in the last election.First of all, I wish to extend the hand of friendship and cooperation to my worthy adversary, Mr. Saken Polatov of Uzbekistan. He has always been a friend and I am certain we will remain so.

I realize it is a most difficult time for everyone as we hope to rise out of the pandemic situation and as we now face more uncertainty with the Ukraine crisis. But I am inspired by my predecessor, Mr. Anas Al-Otaiba, who displayed grace, grit and determination in keeping Boxing alive in the Asian region with so many activities despite the Coronavirus.

I salute my dear friend Anas for the outstanding work he did the last four years. Allow me to also thank IBA President Mr. Umar Kremlev for taking the time to grace our event here in Amman, Jordan. We are truly honored by his presence and support.

In this new cycle of ASBC life, I am optimistic that we can take the path of continuity by building on what has been done. At the same time, I renew the pledge I made when I started this journey barely two months ago when I decided to run for the ASBC presidency.

My number one priority will still be to do what I can to assist IBA in getting Boxing reinstated in the good graces of the International Olympic Committee so that our athletes may fulfill their dreams of becoming Olympians and medalists. This we owe to them and I will exert all efforts to achieve this.

And in line with the IOC expectations, my presidency will espouse the highest standards of transparency, accountability and fiscal prudence in matters of governance and finances. We will especially put emphasis on regaining credibility for our sport by raising the level of competence and integrity of our judges and referees so we can show the world that it is possible to have clean, fair and doubt-free decisions in our sport.

The National Federations will be encouraged to be more participatory in the affairs of the organization. It is the essence of democratic life that power emanates from the ground up. And so the needs of our most valuable asset-the boxers- should be conveyed to us through their respective national federations. This way, the ASBC will be more responsive to the plight of our athletes.

In my country, I am one of the most enthusiastic advocates of a sustainable and clean environment that will pave the way for future generations to live in a healthy world. I have a parallel view for our sport in this regard. If we can all work together to build on clean and fair boxers and boxing matches, we can also  expect that the culture will travel upwards to the highest levels of governance in our sport. 

This will ensure that the IOC and the world will take notice that yes, Boxing can turn its image around and earn its rightful place not only in the Olympics but also among the most respectable disciplines. I know this is a tall order but I am resolute in the belief that with the cooperation and support of our Board Members and everyone in ASBC. We in Asia can launch this crusade and invite other confederations and the IBA itself to support us in achieving this objective.

I appeal to everyone to be prepared for the hard work ahead and with prayers to the Almighty, fill our hearts and minds with hope, courage and fortitude that our dream may become reality. Thank you and may the heavens above look with favor on all of us,” added Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira to his statement as new President of the Asian Boxing Confederation.

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