Fifteen new young champions crowned in the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships

The impressive 15 final bouts have been held at the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships in Dushanbe where the new generation of their talents shined in the competition. Their Schoolboys National Championships was the second big national event in Tajikistan this year but further two will be coming soon in 2020.

All of the winners of the national event have got strong experiences in our sport but ASBC Asian Schoolboys Boxing Championships bronze medallist Ruslan Gafurov, Mekhrodj Sufijonov, Abdullojon Mamatkulov, Biloljon Iksanov, Anushervon Fozilov and Islom Shokirov were the bests in the day of the finals.

Boxers in all of the 15 categories at the 29kg, 33kg, 35kg, 37kg, 40kg, 43kg, 46kg, 49kg, 52kg, 55kg, 58kg, 61kg, 64kg, 67kg and +67kg weight classes were in action in the finals of the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships. Boxers who were born in 2006 and in 2007 were eligible to attend in the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships from all regions of the country and the number of the participants was more than 150.

Tajikistan’s experienced official and R&J Mr. Akmal Abdullaev, who worked as Referee & Judge in several ASBC Championships in 2019, was the Supervisor of the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships but their Secretery General Mr. Komron Fayzov also visited the event and took interview to the local TV channels and online media.

Khatlon region’s Rakhim Naimov proved the best performance in the whole event at the 29kg weight class and he has done his final step successfully against Saidekhson Gulomov taking the first title of the event. Sughd region’s Mekhrodj Sufijonov claimed silver medal in the 2019 Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships which he changed into gold after beating Dushanbe’s Amirjon Davlatov in the final of the 33kg.

Dushanbe’s Abdullojon Mamatkulov controlled all of his fights during his road to the finals but Sughd region’s Jovid Yunusov was a competitive opponent for him in one of the best finals of the day. Following Mamatkulov’s success, another boxer from Dushanbe, 14-year-old Biloljon Iksanov claimed the next title. He earned silver medal in the 2019 Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships but became champion in the new edition after beating Abubakr Ochilov in the final.  

Dushanbe’s Anushervon Fozilov delivered a small sensation in the final of the 40kg weight class where he defeated ASBC Asian Schoolboys Boxing Championships competitor Muinkhon Mavlonov. Damir Muybalikhonov of Badakhshan region was a dark horse at the 43kg weight division but he defeated the main favourite Davron Abubakri of Dushanbe and claimed his first national title.  

Tajikistan’s top schoolboy talent Ruslan Gafurov was only 13 when he claimed bronze medal at the Kuwait 2019 ASBC Asian Schoolboys Boxing Championships and returned to the national event in top shape. Dushanbe’s boxer moved up to the 46kg weight class but Bokhtar’s Saybilol Sadikov was unable to find Gafurov’s weak points in the final.

Dushanbe’s Mukhammad Minigbayev accomplished his gold medal target and defeated Nekruz Mirzoyev in the final of the 49kg weight category. Khatlon’s Abdullo Karimov had a narrow success over Bokhtar’s Azizjon Sultonov in the semi-finals of the 52kg but he controlled all of the rounds against Jamshed Ilmurodov of Dushanbe in the finals.

Islom Shokirov dominated his semi-final bout and amazed in the final of the 55kg weight class in Dushanbe where he defeated Khatlon’s last year’s silver medallist Khisrav Zabirov unanimously. Sukhrob Rustamzoda of Sughd region achieved the next title in the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships after beating Khatlon region’s 14-year-old Anvari Abdulojoni at the 58kg weight class.

Sughd region’s next success was taken by last year’s bronze medallist Bakhrom Khotamov in the final of the 61kg which he controlled over Khatlon’s Biloliddin Rajabov. The remaining titles of the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships were captured by Khatlon’s Ziyoratsho Kosimov (64kg), Khatlon’s Voris Salimov (67kg) and Sughd region’s Azam Fozilov (+67kg).

List of the winners in the Tajikistan Schoolboys National Championships
29kg: Rakhim Naimov
33kg: Mekhrodj Sufijonov
35kg: Abdullojon Mamatkulov
37kg: Biloljon Iksanov
40kg: Anushervon Fozilov
43kg: Damir Muybalikhonov
46kg: Ruslan Gafurov
49kg: Mukhammad Minigbayev
52kg: Abdullo Karimov
55kg: Islom Shokirov
58kg: Sukhrob Rustamzoda
61kg: Bakhrom Khotamov
64kg: Ziyoratsho Kosimov
67kg: Voris Salimov
+67kg: Azam Fozilov

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